Foot & Ankle Surgery located in Fort Worth and Weatherford, TX
Thanks to the book “Born to Run” and its spin-off movie, barefoot running became a trending form of exercise. Hundreds of runners began to support the belief that naturally landing on the bare forefoot would lessen impending running injuries. With the trend came “barefoot shoes” that attempted to emulate the feeling of running barefoot without actually having to do so. While the excitement over barefoot running has died down, barefoot exercises are still being heralded for their ability to strengthen the foot and improve flexibility. Benefits also include better gait patterns, fall prevention for the elderly, and the rehabilitation of knee and hip pain.
If you have any questions about barefoot running, contact Dr. Glen A. Beede of Fort Worth. Dr. Beede will treat your foot and ankle needs.
Barefoot Running
Barefoot running is a fairly popular trend in the running world. More than just simply ‘running without shoes,” barefoot running affects the way your feet hit the ground and your overall posture. Barefoot runners land on the front part of their feet as opposed to those who wear shoes, who usually strike their heel as they hit the ground.
Barefoot running contains many advantages, including:
There are also some disadvantages to barefoot running, which include:
Start on even, flat surfaces and consider investing in minimalist running shoes. Minimalist running shoes provide the ‘feel’ of barefoot running while affording the same protection you get from wearing shoes. Barefoot running can be safe and enjoyable with the proper planning and transition.
If you have any questions, please contact our office located in Fort Worth, TX. We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.
Read more about barefoot running.